Smart house

Casa inteligenta este spatiul—fie el locuinta, birou, casa de vacanta—care utilizează tehnologii moderne pentru automatizarea sistemelor si a aparatelor aflate în acesta. O casa inteligenta va asigura confort, securitate si siguranta.

The intelligent house is the space-whether it's home, office, holiday home-that uses modern technologies to automate the systems and the appliances in it. An intelligent house will ensure comfort, security and safety.

THE INTELLIGENT HOUSE is no longer a futuristic concept that you can only see in movies. It's a pragmatic solution, already present in thousands of homes around the world, and the automation industry is more than ready to realize any desire for control over your home. If the functionality of the house installations is controlled by predefined scenarios or if all the subsystems (lighting control, temperature control, ambient sound, fire and burglary alarm, irrigation and de-icing etc.) are integrated into one system and can be controlled by -a simple graphical interface and the owner's hand, or if, anticipated certain needs of the occupants of the house and are solved automatically, we can say that we have an intelligent house.

We invite you to take a look at the pages of the site to get familiar with the concept of intelligence applied to the home where you live or to live.